Vegetarian Reincarnation: Spectrum Day 1- tea

I was checking back on my blog because I know that a year of eating vegetables only and leaving the meat behind me is just about here, and I found that I must have messed up numbering my days somehow. I am blogging about day 361 today, but technically I started on March 15, 2011(post link below this blog). So, today marks my official ONE YEAR!! Now that I have made it the full year, I have decided that I will allow meat back into my diet. But now, I have a totally different understanding and appreciation for meat in my diet. Before, it wasn't a meal unless there was meat somewhere on the plate. Now, I can incorporate lean meats, poultry, and fish back into my diet but in a way that will compliment and add variety rather than be the the star of the show. I am looking forward to this next year and years to come. I will still keep posting because I am still on a journey. The spectrum diet is still in full force! I am just choosing those foods that are on the healthy side of the spectrum. I will still eat veggie burgers and Morningstar veggie bacon. I have found a new way of eating during this last year. So that is truly a vegetarian reincarnation!

Vegetarian Reincarnation: Spectrum Day 1- tea: I made a batch of tea with 4 tetley black tea bags and 4 yogi tea green tea bags. No sugar or other sweeteners. I am going to learn to love ...


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