Spectrum day 48- breakfast

For today's breakfast, a thin egg white omelet with cheddar, cheese grits, two thin slivers of peppercorn Gouda cris-crossing and topped with my two homegrown peppers sautéed in butter spray. ICBINB spray throughout the recipe (couldn't live without it!). Wow, those peppers are good! Just the right amount of heat, balanced with wonderful flavor. What a great breakfast for the start of a busy day.

Beverage: mocha via made with 1 cup 1% milk.

Weigh in: 271 I guess all the hard work and sweating is paying off on the scale! Here I am again, trying to push past another barrier. I want to get out of the 270's for good. The fortunate thing is, I am willing to be patient with the process. I could just eat sticks and leaves for a week to make it happen, but what purpose would that serve in the big picture? It am purposing to eat healthily, and tastefully, while striving for my goal. I know that if I am going to make lasting changes, it has to be in such a way that I am pleased and certain to continue. This way of eating has no end date or weight goal. I am making changes that will be woven into my eating pattern for the rest of my life. On day 48, I am feeling energetic, strong and optimistic. This is something I can do. This is something I cam live with. This is it!


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