Spectrum day 40- breakfast

I decided to make a quick bowl of oatmeal with freeze dried berries. The berries rehydrated with the skim milk, but they were a little bitter fir my liking. To balance this taste, I put in 1 tsp of xylitol and 1 tsp of natural, raw sugar. It tasted fine, although I probably won't make it this was again because I don't like to add the extra sugar. I really have come to love the taste of oatmeal without the added ingredients.

Beverage: Mocha via made with 1 cup skim milk.

Weigh in: 275 this is not surprising for me since I figured I would see some consequence from last night's dinner. I plan on working in the garden and building some garden beds, so I will get some MNM in today. I have an exam that I need to take. That will take precedence today!


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